Step 1: Clean
the windshield glass thoroughly.
one of these products (but not all at once):
soda (sprinkled on a dry or damp paper towel).
Step 2: Replace
your wiper blade refills regularly.
refills are not terribly expensive, so you may prefer to get good ones. Replace
them at least once per year, before the rainy season.
Step 3: Refill
your windshield wiper fluid.
Lots of
wipers skip when the windshield isn't quite wet enough so check your fluid level and top off if necessary.
Step 4: Make
your windshield wipers softer.
one of the following ways:
WD-40: Put a little WD40 on a paper towel and wipe the squeaking wiper blade
with it. Be careful though; petroleum based products such as WD-40 can start to
eat away at rubber, leaving it dry and brittle. Eventually, the rubber will
crumble if you over-apply such products.
Use rubbing alcohol. Rubbing alcohol will not rot
or ruin the wiper blades. Dampen a paper towel section with rubbing alcohol.
Wipe the windshield wiper blade. This will clean off dirt and oil. Repeat until
you remove all dirt and grime.
Step 5:
Choose the correct wiper size & type
Check to
see if your blades or the wiper assemblies under them are too loose or too tight. Too little or too much
tension between the glass and wiper can cause chatter or squeaking
Step 6:
Avoid harmful wax
you've recently applied Rain-X or wax and noticed chatter, remove the product
with a normal car polish. Rain-X and other wax products can create a film
that causes chatter in the wiper blades.
Step 7: Replace your wiper assemblies.
With time, use, and trauma, the actual assemblies holding your wiper refills in place can become misshapen. If your windshield wipers no longer conform to the contours of your windshield, it’s time to
get new ones.
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